Experience your success without sacrificing your creativity, hobbies, or personal life.
I’m Dr. Morgan Levy, a clinical psychologist and executive coach, and I’m passionate about helping professionals enhance all areas of their lives and embrace all parts of their identity without giving up their drive, motivation, and perseverance.
Featured In:
Workshops, Courses, and Executive Coaching for High-Achievers and Professionals

For as long as you can remember, you’ve always been chasing the next milestone.
Graduating at the top of your class, getting the new job, obtaining the elusive promotion…
It’s exhilarating.
But you can’t help but notice that you’re not as fulfilled as you thought you would be and part of you is wondering what all of the hard work was really for.
The truth is, you don’t have to give up your identity as a workplace leader in order to have IT ALL.
>> Maintain your productivity and performance, or even enhance it.
>> Embrace your creativity, hobbies, and fun without losing all that you’ve worked so hard for.
>> Experience real and deep relationships outside of work friends, while still succeeding in your career.
>> Learn to be more present in the moment, instead of analyzing the past or planning for the future, without missing a step in your work.
Meet Dr. Morgan Levy
Hello! I’m Dr. Morgan Levy (she/her) and I’m passionate about helping professionals learn how to embrace all parts of their identity without giving up their drive, motivation, and perseverance. I work with executives and professionals in law, finance, healthcare, and business from all over the world.
In addition to my work providing coaching, education, virtual programs, and workshops, I am a licensed psychologist in the state of Florida and I received my PhD in Clinical Psychology from Nova Southeastern University.
Ways We Can Work Together
Learn practical, powerful, and impactful tools to help with living mindfully as a high-achiever - without the impact of burnout, perfectionism, or overwhelm.
>> Mindfulness Workshop -
Join Dr. Morgan Levy and a small cohort of like-minded professionals for a live 8-week online program to help you break free from the pressure to perform and explore aspects of your identity beyond the workplace.
On a limited basis, I offer 1:1 executive, performance, and productivity coaching. This is NOT THERAPY, but rather an opportunity to maximize both personal and professional development. Contact me here to learn more.