The Magic of Group Video Transcript

We are another week closer to the doors opening for Optimize on October 10th and I am so excited for you to sign up. One thing that I wanted to talk about today is a common belief that a lot of high-achievers have that keeps them from breaking free from the pressure to perform and exploring who they are outside of the workplace.  

High-achievers often have the beliefs:

“I have to do it alone,”

“I don't trust people enough,”

“I'm too flawed,”

“I can't show my mistakes, my imperfections, or my flaws because then people won't value me, they won't think I'm worthy, they won't think I'm capable and I'll be exposed as a fraud or an imposter.”

This belief often comes from our childhood, where early in life we might have learned that by achieving things, by getting good grades, by getting all of the awards, we get all this praise, and in our mind we start equating that outcome and that success as worth and love.

So over time we start thinking that we need to just keep producing, keep being successful in order to maintain that success and love. If we show anybody that we can't do it or that we make mistakes or that we're not perfect, then we're going to be rejected.

Typically, the origin of the fear of working in a group setting is because we're worried that if we ask for help from others or if we want support for others that we’re going to be rejected because they see our flaws.


We might worry that… 

We're not going to get the promotions.

We're not going to get the advances.

We're not going to get the praise.

It feels really awful.

However, research does show that reaching out to others for help, seeking that social support, learning about other perspectives and having that accountability creates the ideal environment for optimal growth and transformation.

Time and time again, research has shown that these factors are so important to help us prevent burnout, exhaustion, and overwhelm.

That is why I purposely designed Optimize as a group program.

Because I know the power that comes from being in a group setting, especially with other people who understand your unique struggles and challenges.

I know that it can feel really uncomfortable going out of your comfort zone - especially reaching out for support from others AND in a group setting.

But I also know through my years of experience as a therapist and executive strategist is that change and growth does not happen in your comfort zone. It comes from feeling that discomfort.

It might feel weird to join a group program, but I am dedicated to making the experience as safe and comfortable as possible. That’s why Optimize has an application process and a screening process so that everybody in Optimize is somebody with a similar mindset who understands the struggles of being a high-achieving professional. I'm going to make sure that everybody is a good fit for the program.

I also have a confidentiality clause and I don't have any tolerance for breaking that confidentiality clause. I want this group to be a safe and supportive experience for you to learn and for you to grow. Each call is going to be capped at twelve people to keep it a small, tight knit group.

So, again, doors open on October 10. I'm so excited for you to join us! Don't forget that because you're on the waitlist, you do have access to that exclusive bonus if you decide to enroll. That bonus is the one-on-one Voxer support with me.  I'll tell you a little bit more about that next week. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Remember that belief that we have, that we have to do it alone, is not true. Reaching out to, having the support of others, and being surrounded by other like-minded people really creates the space for powerful transformation.